Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/5/2024 - 6:00 PM
Type: Action
Subject: Approval of an ISBE Learning Partner for School Report Card Improvement - AVID Learning
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
Summary: As a part of the school improvement process for comprehensive and targeted schools, Feitshans, JMS, WMS, LHS, and SSHS have engaged AVID to provide support with their school improvement efforts. AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. AVID schools foster a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms. This partnership with AVID will assist our schools in focusing on 21st Century Skills (problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and digital literacy), Best Teaching Practices (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading), Student Empowerment & Advocacy, and College & Career Readiness. All of these skills contribute to student and school success and improvement.AVID will offer the following services to each of the schools in this partnership: Coaching (Administration & Instructional Leadership Teams); Large group AVID Professional Learning; School-Specific Customized Professional Learning (Administration & School Staff); Walkthroughs with Feedback; Modeling; and Preparation Work. Additional schools may decide to contract with AVID for school improvement services as this process is still on-going. Total Cost for All Schools: Up to $175,000
Funding: Title I School Improvement 1003(a) Funds
Resolution: WHEREAS, Springfield Public School District 186 has developed IL Empower Work Plans for School Improvement; and WHEREAS, the designated schools, Feitshans, JMS, WMS, LHS, and SSHS, have identified a need for continued professional learning and development for teachers focusing on 21st Century Skills (problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and digital literacy), Best Teaching Practices (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading), Student Empowerment & Advocacy, and College & Career Readiness; and WHEREAS, the AVID Learning is an approved IL Empower partner that can provide these supports; NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves an agreement with the AVID for a total amount up to $175,000 to be paid from Title I School Improvement 1003(a) funds.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jennifer E. Gill - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Anthony Mares Moved, Member Sarah Blissett seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS, Springfield Public School District 186 has developed IL Empower Work Plans for School Improvement; and WHEREAS, the designated schools, Feitshans, JMS, WMS, LHS, and SSHS, have identified a need for continued professional learning and development for teachers focusing on 21st Century Skills (problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and digital literacy), Best Teaching Practices (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading), Student Empowerment & Advocacy, and College & Career Readiness; and WHEREAS, the AVID Learning is an approved IL Empower partner that can provide these supports; NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves an agreement with the AVID for a total amount up to $175,000 to be paid from Title I School Improvement 1003(a) funds.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Anthony Mares     Yes
Micah Miller     Yes
Sarah Blissett     Yes
Buffy Lael-Wolf     Yes
Erica Austin     Yes
Ken Gilmore     Yes
Debra Iams     Yes