Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/22/2024 - 6:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: Approval of a Resolution Regarding Adoption of Textbooks and Materials for Elementary and Middle School Literacy Intervention (Tier 2 and 3)
Strategic Plans:
Strategic Goal 1
File Attachment:
Summary: Since the Fall of 2023, the Student Support Services Curriculum Team has been researching and reviewing student and teacher needs to find curriculum options to address needs in tier 2 and 3 literacy instruction. Teachers and literacy leaders from elementary and middle school levels of special and general education were a part of this work. We recommend the following literacy intervention materials, training/coaching, and digital licensures for purchase to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year: – Elementary - 95% Group – Middle School - Really Great Reading Cost: $2,614,805
Funding: ESSER
Resolution: WHEREAS, the Springfield Public Schools Curriculum Council has heard the presentations from representatives of Student Support Services and recommended the adoption of textbooks and materials for the following: Elementary and Middle School Literacy Intervention (Tier 2 and 3); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the literacy intervention curriculum adoptions recommended by the Curriculum Council to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year and to be purchased with ESSER funds.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Nicole Moody - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Jennifer E. Gill - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Anthony Mares Moved, Member Erica Austin seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS, the Springfield Public Schools Curriculum Council has heard the presentations from representatives of Student Support Services and recommended the adoption of textbooks and materials for the following: Elementary and Middle School Literacy Intervention (Tier 2 and 3); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the literacy intervention curriculum adoptions recommended by the Curriculum Council to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year and to be purchased with ESSER funds.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Anthony Mares     Yes
Micah Miller     Yes
Sarah Blissett     Yes
Buffy Lael-Wolf     Yes
Erica Austin     Yes
Ken Gilmore     Yes
Debra Iams     Yes