Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 1/21/2025 - 6:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: Approval of a Consultant for Sacred Heart-Griffin High School
Strategic Plans:
Enclosure Contract
File Attachment:
SPSD 186 Contract - SHG 3.3.25 & 3.4.25.pdf
Summary: The Bureau of Education and Research will provide a two day on-site training "Strengthen Student Learning in Block Schedule Classes with Cutting-Edge Ideas and Interactive Strategies" for Sacred Heart Griffin staff March 3 and March 4, 2025. Cost: $5000
Funding: Title II
Resolution: WHEREAS, Bureau of Education and Research will conduct a two-day workshop to instruct staff at Sacred Heart Griffin about how to Strengthen Student Learning in Block Schedule Classes with Cutting-Edge Ideas and Interactive Strategies; and WHEREAS, Bureau of Education and Research is qualified to provide such training and has agreed to provide such training over two days at a cost of $5,000; and WHEREAS, Bureau of Education and Research consultant services are completely reimbursable through the Title II grant; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the consultant Bureau of Education and Research per the terms identified above and directs the Superintendent to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the Board.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Larry McVey - Chief Officer
Signed By:
Jennifer E. Gill - Superintendent